Wednesday, September 30, 2015

EvalStory: Focus on whether global environmental programs are really making a difference

Discussing evaluation contributions to the global environment, including the need to focus on the big picture instead of individual interventions.

My video interview

Published on Sep 6, 2015
In September 2015 the UN General Assembly will endorse the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs are universal, integrated, comprehensive, and have a particular focus on social equity and gender equality. SDGs will shape development strategies at global, regional and national levels for the next 15 years. We believe that the evaluation community must work together to ensure that evaluation remains relevant and is fit for purpose in the world where development will be guided by the SDGs. This is why EvalPartners is leading a participatory consultative process to define the 2016-2020 Global Evaluation Agenda. During the 2015 International Year of evaluation, thousands of evaluators are contributing their voices and thinking through an online consultation and face-to-face discussions in 74 events all over the world.

EvalPartners has teamed up with Universalia, a Canadian management consulting firm established in 1980, to launch the EvalStory campaign.  Starting Monday, 24th August, EvalStory will release two videos per week (see schedule below) presenting messages from top evaluation influencers and members of the wider evaluation community to ensure that the voices of evaluation advocates are heard.

We hope you enjoy their messages, wisdom and experience! Please share this announcement with your networks to ensure their voices are heard globally!

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